Agenda item


To agree the public minutes and non-public summary of the meeting held on 5th March 2021.


RESOLVED, that – the public minutes and non-public summary of the meeting held on 5th March 2021 be approved.

Matters arising

  • A Member requested an update on the status of the Crime and Disorder Scrutiny Committee, noting that this is a Statutory Body which had only met once since its inception.  It was suggested that, as the Safer City Partnership Board would now be chaired by the Chairman of the Community and Children’s Services Committee, there might be a conflict in their respective scrutiny roles.  The Chairman asked for the relevant officers to consider this offline and report back to the Committee.
  • The Committee would receive a presentation on the new mental health centre at its next meeting.  
  • A Member advised that the City of London Police had expressed an interest in the Green Box but there had been no further developments.


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