To elect a Chairman in accordance with Standing Order No. 29.
The Committee proceeded to elect a Chairman in accordance with Standing Order No. 29.
A list of Members who had expressed an interest in and were eligible to stand was read by the Town Clerk and Deputy Alastair Moss being the only Member expressing willingness to serve was duly elected Chairman for the ensuing year and took the Chair.
The Chair spoke to thank the Committee for their continued support.
The Chair went on to offer his thanks to those Members who had now left the Committee – Alderman Robert Hughes-Penney, Alderman Emma Edhem, Munsur Ali, Henry Colthurst, Helen Fentimen and Michael Hudson. He paid particular tribute to Sylvia Moys who it was originally hoped would re-join the Committee after a period of absence but who had now retired from the Court. He stated that Sylvia had served on the Committee for many years and was very dedicated to its work. He wished her all the best for the future.
The Chair also welcomed the newly appointed members of the Committee – Alderman Alastair King, Alderman Bronek Masojada, Thomas Clementi, Sophie Fernandes, John Fletcher and Deputy Tom Hoffman.