Agenda item

City of London Police Staff Survey 2020

Report of the Commissioner.


Members received a report of the Commissioner regarding the City of London Police Staff Survey 2020.


This report was based on the summary, high-level report received by the Force. The detailed findings had only been provided to officers that week and whilst the main elements had been articulated in the report provided, the Force needed additional time to unpick some of the detail.


The Commissioner explained that the survey was run nationally and whilst direct comparisons with other forces were not made, some contextual information was provided. These findings were positive.


Communications with staff had gone out through the intranet and through workshops about the findings and what could be done to address the areas for improvement.


Following a question from a Member regarding benchmarking against previous participants. It was noted that the survey was anonymous and therefore there was no way of knowing the percentage of participants that also completed the previous survey.


Following a question about overtime and staff coverage, the Commissioner confirmed there was nothing specific on this area. However, factors such as overall perceptions of value, appreciation of contribution and attitude toward leadership would all provide some indication if there was an issue.


An area in need of development was the clarity of vision being communicated to staff. Chief Officers and Directors should not assume that officers at all levels in the organisation understood the Strategic Threat and Risk Assessment (STRA), City of London Corporate Plan, Policing Plan and how they all interlinked.


It was fundamental that the Equality &Inclusion practices needed to be demonstrably fairer to reduce the sense of injustice. When ready, a fuller report on the Staff Survey outcomes would need to go to Professional Standards & Integrity then to the following Police Authority Board.


RESOLVED, that the report be noted.


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