Agenda item

Communication and Engagement Strategy Update

Report of the Commissioner.


To be read in conjunction with the Non-Public Report and Appendix.


It was noted by the Town Clerk that a report for this item in the public agenda was not published and circulated for this item as planned. The Commissioner provided a verbal update.


Comments from the March meeting had been considered and integrated in the present draft of the Strategic Communications and Engagement Plan. The full update was available in the non-public section of the agenda.


It was noted that the Police Authority website could be more informative, but this would be addressed in the relaunch planned for the end of April. It was suggested that the Force’s own website could be updated, particularly on National Lead Force and Economic Crime. The Commissioner explained that work was ongoing to align the website with the national police landing page, but that work was needed in the areas raised. The Chair asked for a timeline on when it was likely these updates would be made. (13/2021/P)


RESOLVED, that the update be noted.

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