Report of the Assistant Commissioner.
Members received a report of the Assistant Commissioner relative to the National lead Force Plan update. The following points were noted with respect to the 5 high-level outcomes:
- Outcome 1: improvements were underway for the current system and such improvement efforts would continue until the new system is in place;
- Outcome 2: regarding preventing crime, the force continued to identify ways to support the public to prevent being victimised by crime in the first place;
- Outcomes 3 and 4: regarding responses to crimes once they have been reported, Members were informed that the force was not in a position to hold an investigation following each report.
- Outcome 5 on training, capabilities and increasing skills, educational packages were developed online to be used nationally.
The Chairman suggested developing educational packages for schools, both local and nationally, to educate students as part of effort to prevent young people becoming victims of economic and cyber crime.
RESOLVED, that – the report be received and its contents noted.
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