Agenda item

G4: City Cluster Area - Wellbeing and Climate Change resilience programme implementation (2021-2024)

Report of the Director of the Built Environment.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of the Built Environment on the City Cluster Area Wellbeing and Climate Change resilience programme implementation 2021-2024. The Chairman commended the project and commented that this was the kind of project that needed to be undertaken in this area.


In response to a query from a Member of the Committee the Director of the Built Environment explained that the lack of bike access lanes on the stairs at St Andrews churchyard was because the use of bikes in this area was not actively encouraged. The Member responded that it was important to understand that bike usage was increasing across the City of London and, therefore, bike usage at this site should be considered.



  1. The estimated implementation budget is a minimum of £1.447m based on current estimates for the projects outlined in the report be noted; and
  2. That the estimated implementation budget will be further increased by external sponsorship with the exact amount to be confirmed at Gateway 5 be noted; and
  3. That the 7 projects listed in the Options Appraisal table be approved to be taken forward to Gateway 5, at which point individual project reports will be submitted for approval, in line with the project procedure; and
  4. That £90,000 from the Pinnacle and Mitre Square Section 106 agreements be approved for the programme budget to continue the development of the 7 projects to Gateway; and
  5. That it be noted that further projects listed in Appendix 1, may be developed in future years, subject to funding being confirmed; and
  6. That it be approved within the overall programme budget, funds can be moved between the 7 individual projects and between staff costs, fees and works to maintain pace of delivery and maximum efficiency of the process.



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