Agenda item

Election of Deputy Chairman

Members are asked to elect a Deputy Chairman in accordance with Standing Order 30.



RESOLVED, that - In accordance with Standing Order 30, and exercising the right of the immediate past Chairmen, Randall Anderson be elected as Deputy Chairman for 2021/22.




It was moved by Alderman Alastair King, Seconded by Caroline Haines and

RESOLVED, that - Members of the Community and Children’s Services Committee place on record their sincere appreciation to:




for the compassionate, diligent and conciliatory manner in which he has chaired their Committee since 2018.


RANDALL’S TERM AS CHARIMAN has overseen a number of initiatives seeking to place the physical and mental wellbeing of City residents at the forefront; i.e.  - the  new mental health centre, 2 new community centres, the achievement of outstanding Ofsted ratings for social care and safeguarding, and support of the government’s ‘Our Turn’ Government campaign for asylum seekers.  The City’s maintained primary school is ranked amongst the top performing in the country.


WORKING WITH OUR  PARTNERS, RANDALL’S CHAIRMANSHIP has demonstrated excellent co-production in the delivery of services for those needing support with alcohol and drug misuse.  A Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Sub Committee was established, early in Randall’s Chairmanship, ensuring that the City’s street population have access to permanent pathways into housing and support for substance misuse.   


IN ORDER TO REACHED ALL DISADVANTAGED AND MINORITY GROUPS, Randall  has championed projects such as the ‘Decent Homes Standard’, Major Works Programme, adult skills and education initiatives and digital inclusion, and the Special Educational Needs (SEND) Strategy for 2020–24, which sets out an  ambitious vision for children and young people up to age 25 years.   Following the Grenfell fire, various fire safety works to HRA properties have been approved, including the installation of sprinklers in Tower Blocks.


FINALLY, THE COMMITTEE WISHES TO PLACE ON RECORD ITS RECOGNITION OF RANDALL’S COMMITMENT, RESILLIENCE AND TENANCITY DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC OF 2020-21.  As part of the response to the Covid-19 pandemic, testing centres were established, key services to the most vulnerable were maintained and expanded, record numbers of rough sleepers were provided with accommodation,  key infrastructure projects were maintained,  a sustainable foodbank was established in the City, digital inclusion was expanded to targeted groups (via the provision of laptops and tackling data poverty), the vital contribution of volunteers recognised and a central focus on continuous improvement maintained.


THE COMMITTEE WOULD LIKE TO WISH RANDALL EVERY SUCCESS IN THE FUTURE, noting that the legacy of his Chairmanship will continue to improve the quality of life of the City residents and those on the out of borough estates.