Agenda item

Gateway 5 - Installation of Sprinklers in Social Housing Tower Blocks

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services in respect of the retro fit of sprinklers to five of the City of London Corporation’s residential Tower Blocks. 


During the discussion on this item the following points were raised:

  • A myth busting booklet would be circulated to all residents at Great Arthur House, before being rolled out to the other estates, and a webinar was planned.  Members were urged to improve residents’ confidence in this matter and give assurance that the installation was in their best interests.
  • There was a view expressed in that the report might be a little premature, and there should have been more consultation with those  leaseholders concerned about damage to their properties. The Assistant Director explained the limitations in consulting on something required under legislation.
  • There had been some delays in respect of surveying properties, due to the lockdown, but the vast majority were now complete and a planning decision in respect of Great Arthur House was expected in the next 8-10 weeks.   Planning officers were seeking to find the best solution and, whilst other blocks would not require Listed Building Consent, the least intrusive method of installation would be adopted.
  • United Living is an established company which has worked for the City of London Corporation on other projects.   The company is also on the City Corporation’s preferred framework of contractors and been subject to the usual due diligence.  The Assistant Director assured Members that the project would be closely monitored, and more information was available on request. 
  • The risk of a sprinkler head activating incorrectly is 16 million to 1, and residents’ contents insurance would cover any damage to their possessions in the highly unlikely event of such an occurrence.  
  • Concern was expressed about the perceptions and reluctance of some residents, as sprinklers have been endorsed by the Fire Brigade for providing 24/7 protection.   It was noted that temporary sprinklers had already been installed for vulnerable tenants. 

In concluding, the Chairman agreed that whilst safety is paramount, a sound communications strategy is also very important in raising residents’ confidence.



  1. The additional budget of £3,420,705 (including construction costs, consultants’ fees, and staff costs) be approved for the appointment of United Living (South) Ltd to deliver the project and reach the next Gateway.


  1. The revised project budget/total estimated cost of £3,722,649 (excluding risk) be noted.


  1. A Costed Risk Provision of £350,000 be approved (to be drawn down via delegation to Chief Officer).


  1. The revised estimated completion date of April 2022 is approved


Susan Pearson abstained.

Graeme Harrower asked for dissent to be recorded as he felt that the issues needed to be addressed properly in time and not relegated to risk factors.  Mr Harrower stressed that this was a procedural objection only and not on safety grounds.


Supporting documents: