Agenda item

Departmental Business Plan Performance - Quarter 3

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


The Committee received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services, which set out the progress made during Quarter 3 – September to December 2020 - against the 2017–2022 Department of Community and Children’s Services (DCCS) Business Plan. It also commented on the Departmental Risk Register.


During the discussion, the following points were noted:

  • Most of the red risks were beyond the department’s control.  The performance on pathways for young people had improved since quarter 3, and this would show in the next report. 
  • Whilst there were some new housing projects in the pipeline, concern was expressed about the outturn for 19/20 and the target for 20/21.   Members agreed that it warranted a focussed session on how the City Corporation might make progress.  It was suggested that it might be timely to review the City Plan in terms of social housing. 
  • The Committee is generally involved in housing projects within existing areas, which are subject to consultation with residents and are therefore more complex than new builds.  A Member had asked a question at the Policy and Resources Committee about formulating a Corporation-wide consultation strategy. 
  • The Deputy Chairman asked Members to be mindful of planning delays in new builds and the risk of judicial reviews, which are outside the City Corporation’s control. 
  • The City of London Academy Trust (COLAT) is allowed to extend to 12 schools, under its original agreement, but there is currently no appetite for new build.  It is likely to capture schools in high deprivation areas wishing to join the Multi Academy Trust (MA).  Members also noted that COPAI is full and has an outstanding performance rating, despite being in temporary premises.   

RESOLVED, that – the report be noted. 

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