Agenda item

End of Year Update Report for Keats House Charity, 2020/21 and Plans for Future Periods

Report of the Director of Open Spaces.


Members received a report of the Director of Open Spaces in respect of the End of Year Update for Keats House Charity for 2020/21 and Plans for Future Periods.


Members were informed that following the previous meeting in October 2020, Keats House was required to close due to the Tier 4 restrictions and subsequent lockdown. During the closure period, virtual and outdoor touring exhibitions were planned and developed in collaboration with the Cultural and Visitor Development team, to be displayed in Aldgate Square and Guildhall Yard in autumn 2021. Programming for the bicentenary of Keats’ death was delivered online in collaboration with Keats House partners. Keats200 legacy projects were underway. In terms of building works, the closure period was used to refurbish the toilets, and develop plans to enhance the front boundary. The local character of the Hampstead Local Conservation Area was given due consideration in developing plans for enhancements to the front boundary.


With respect to long-term plans, the following areas of focus were noted:

-       Reopening Keats House to the public as a visitor attraction;

-       COVID-19 recovery programme: lessons learned from the pandemic were being considered to determine the long-term benefits of these changes (ie. contactless payments, online programme delivery, and contactless donations);

-       Developing a policy framework to renew museum accreditation from October 2022.


The Principal Curator introduced initial proposals for information and discussion by Members. The proposal was for a new dual-height brick wall to replace the existing wooden fence. Members raised questions on the material and colour of the railings over, security and safety issues, the detail of the bricks and funding of the project.


RESOLVED, that – Members welcomed the proposal in proposal in principle and looked forward to seeing detailed design development for approval by the relevant Committees, prior to submitting for planning permission.


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