Report of the Commissioner of the City of London Police.
The Committee received a Report of the Commissioner concerning the Equality and Inclusion Action Plan.
In response to comments around the current outlook for recruitment, retention and progression, the Assistant Commissioner responded that CoLP now had the widest representation in its history; whilst work was still needed, both recruitment and progression rates for those from a BAME background have been very positive recently.
Noting the usefulness of the Inclusive Employers Report, the Chair requested that a summary of the Report’s findings is brought back to the Committee for its next meeting.
In response to a query, officers confirmed that the external consultant’s (who was working with the Head of Strategic Development) contract has been extended for a little longer, this was a positive step as they had brough significant added value to the work in this area.
The Chair thanked officers for the Report and commented that some further consideration needed to go into making sure that we think more about community engagement outside of the Force’s statutory requirements (e.g. engagement with schools).
RESOLVED – that the Committee noted the Report.
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