Agenda item

Update on Reopening Keats House

Director of Open Spaces to be heard.


The Director of Open Spaces was heard in respect of an update on reopening Keats House.


Members were informed that Keats House would reopen from 17 May in line with government guidelines. Until 20 June at the earliest, one-hour timeslots would need to be pre-booked for up to 6 visitors at a time, with cleaning between sessions. Plans were to reopen for 2-3 days per week with the support of the core workforce, and in the future, to open 3-4 days per week with staff returned from furlough and use of casual staff.


It was noted that the effects of the pandemic would be felt for some time, in terms of visitor sentiment and expectations when visiting a small space; cleaning requirements;  the impact of working from home and furlough on staff re-engagement. Departmental and Corporation wide changes would also be factors which determine future operations. Visitor feedback will be valuable moving forward. Although there would be a reduction in international visitors, it was hoped that the increase in domestic tourism could make up some of the shortfall.


Major projects for the period 2021-23, particularly those to be prioritised in 2021/22 were tabled for the information of Members. An Activities Plan for 2021/22 will be developed following the meeting and forwarded to Members and the next meeting of Culture, Heritage & Libraries Committee.


RESOLVED, that – the update be received.