Agenda item

Hampstead Heath Swimming Facilities - Safety, Access and Security Improvements

Report of the City Surveyor


The Sub Committee considered a report of the City Surveyor regarding safety, access and security improvements at the Hampstead Heath Swimming Facilities. The Chair introduced the item, noting the importance of the work proposed as part of this project.m


RESOLVED – That the Resource Allocation Sub Committee:


1.    Agree that a budget of £54,000 (excluding risk) is approved to reach the next Gateway;


2.    Note total estimate cost of £697,000 (excluding risk), £755,000 (including £58,000 of costed risk post-mitigation);


3.    Agree that a Costed Risk Provision of £10,000 is approved to reach the next gateway (to be drawn down via delegation to Chief Officer); and


4.    Note that some minor works have had to be delivered already regarding H&S and infrastructure, but these do not change the overall scope, budget or programme of this project as have been funded separately. As detailed in Appendix 1.

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