Report of the Town Clerk.
Members considered a report of the Town Clerk regarding the appointment of the Education Board’s sub-committees for 2021/22.
Terms of Reference
Members were first invited to approve the terms of reference of the Nominations Sub-Committee and note the terms of reference for the Education Charity Sub-Committee, as set by the Court of Common Council.
The Town Clerk verbally outlined some amendments to the Terms of Reference of the Nominations Sub-Committee to allow Co-Opted Members to serve, as an expression of interest had been received by a Co-Optee. It was clarified however that to avoid any conflict of interest, a Co-Opted Member would need to be excluded from any discussions considering their own re-appointment. In light of the decision at the last Board meeting for the Sub-Committee to undertake a review of the nominations and appointment process of external Members to the Board and reporting this to the Board for approval, the proposed amendments also accommodated for this. Both amendments were approved by Members.
Alderman Sir Peter Estlin and Mary Robey had expressed an interest in the Nominations Sub-Committee and were duly appointed for the year ensuing.
Benjamin Murphy and Randall Anderson verbally expressed an interest in the Education Charity Sub-Committee. Both were advised by the Town Clerk that they had already both been appointed to the Sub-Committee by the Community and Children’s Services Committee. The Board agreed that, with the four Members appointed by the Community and Children’s Services Committee as well as the Chair and Deputy Chair serving, the quorum for a meeting would be achievable, therefore leaving two vacancies on the Sub-Committee.
The Chair and Deputy Chair would assume ex-officio roles on both Sub-Committees as per their respective Terms of Reference.
Appointment of Members to CoLAT
The Town Clerk verbally updated the Board on matters concerning the Education Board’s appointments to the City of London Academies Trust’s (CoLAT) Board of Trustees.
In January 2016, the Court of Common Council resolved that the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Education Board would serve as Company Members/Trustees of CoLAT. Accordingly, the Chair, Caroline Haines, was appointed to these positions, effective immediately.
In October 2017, the Court resolved to amend its resolution of January 2016, to permit a representative/nominee of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Education Board to serve as Company Member/Trustee of the City of London Academies Trust, where the original candidate is not able to serve.
Previously the Deputy Chairman had asked to nominate Alderman Howard to serve as Company Member and Trustee of CoLAT on his behalf, with the Board recently endorsing this. The Deputy Chair, Deputy Phillip Woodhouse, indicated that he again wished to nominate Alderman Robert Howard in his stead. As per the Court’s resolution the gift of this nomination lies with the Deputy Chair, however, as per historic practice, the Board was invited, and agreed, to endorse this nomination.
RESOLVED, that Members
• Approve the terms of reference and composition of the Nominations Sub Committee subject to the following amendments:
o The constitution include: the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Education Board and up to two further Members of the Education Board, at least one of whom will be a Court of Common Council Member.
o The Terms of Reference include: Review the process of advertising, reviewing and shortlisting applications from interested parties who wish to be considered as external members of the Education Board, reporting to the Education Board in due course for approval;
• Note the terms of reference and composition of the Education Charity Sub Committee;
• Appoint Alderman Sir Peter Estlin and Mary Robey to the Nominations Sub Committee for the year ensuing;
• Leave two vacancies for the Education Charity Sub-Committee for the year ensuing;
• Note the appointment of Caroline Haines to the position of CoLAT Board Trustee and Company Member, as Chair of the Education Board, and endorse the appointment of Alderman Robert Howard as the Deputy Chair’s nominee to the position of CoLAT Board Trustee and Company Member.
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