Agenda item

Livery Skills Initiative

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


Members received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services relative to progress of the Livery Skills Initiative including proposals for future actions.


The Strategic Education and Skills Director outlined the progress of the project, led by the Livery Committee and Livery Companies, over the last 18 months in assessing what could be done to help support young people to develop skills that could further their employment. Following a survey of the Livery, finding that while many opportunities already existed in individual Livery Companies there was limited collaboration between them, 93 Livery Companies met on 21 April 2021 to discuss ways forward. The major outcome of this was that there was a sense of urgency felt by all involved. It was suggested that the development of a central ‘hub’ where Liveries could share these opportunities would be hugely beneficial. They could additionally support small businesses to access current schemes offered by the Government.


The Deputy Chair, also Deputy Chair of the Livery Committee, signposted Members to the Livery Committee website where updates on the project would be posted and explained that a further survey was due to take place shortly to ascertain priority actions to undertake as well as identifying a dedicated Member of each Livery Company to liaise with in future engagement on this topic. The Deputy Chair then expressed the positive feedback received as a result of the meeting and thanked all those who had contributed.


Finally, the Chair took the opportunity to ask Members to encourage their school networks to sign up to the individual webinars and events taking place as part of the London Careers Festival. Spaces were limited and, with some schools yet to sign up, there was concern that they may unknowingly miss out on these opportunities.


RESOLVED, that the report be noted.

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