Agenda item

Superintendent's Update

Report of the Director of Open Spaces.


Members considered a report of the Superintendent providing an update on matters concerning Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood and Queen’s Park. The following points were made:


·         The Superintendent advised that the main issue for staff was the coronavirus response, and they were currently planning for the 21 June lift in restrictions. It was hoped that Government would provide further information on facemasks, etc.


·         With regards to AWP project work, Members were advised that the Conservation and Ecology Plan presented at the last meeting had been reviewed with a focus on recovery and Officers sought support for three annual projects which were approved.


·         A Member noted that text had been dropped from 2017 Drones Policy which explicitly stated at the beginning that use of drones was prohibited in almost all circumstances and were only allowed in very unusual circumstances, e.g. medical crises. Members felt the Policy needed sharpening up due to opaque language and Officers agreed to strengthen the opening position.


·         Officers advised that the Comptroller plus legal Counsel were working with Epping Forest on prospective injunction orders following ASB last summer. It was noted that High Court was not prepared to grant injunctions against unknown people and were not convinced by the evidence from last summer that there was an imminent threat for this summer. Officers were holding off doing the same for the Heath pending feedback from the Epping Forest court application.



·         A Member was supportive of a Delegated Authority and enquired if rough sleeping and the illegal use of drones could be included in the injunction.


·         Most Members, particularly the Deputy Chairman, were not supportive of injunction orders against unknown people which was felt to be against the law and basic rights. Members agreed they should only use powers in instances of genuine need and regarded the High Court’s recent decision as a clear case against the decision.


·         Members did not support the recommendation to grant Delegated Authority to the Town Clerk, in consultation with the Chair and Deputy Chairman of the Committee, to approve the application for the Interim Injunction Order.


·         The Superintendent drew Members attention to the Camden consultation concerning the proposed Dockless Bike Hire and Cycle Parking Bay opposite Hampstead Heath Station on South Hill Park, noting the huge number of abandoned bikes at entrances of the Heath. Members were supportive of the initiative.


·         Officers confirmed they had been approached by Camden regarding an initiative for a caterpillar scheme in cycle bursts. This was discussed at the recent HHCC meeting who were cautious and requested further information about how the scheme would work.


·         A Member noted that in other parts of London, Local Authorities had started closing streets during school hours and encouraged this method as an effective way to encourage people to take exercise to and from schools.


·         A Member highlighted that there was a difference between cycling and walking, and that mass cycling was radical when the Heath did not have appropriate cycle routes.


·         The Superintendent clarified that the proposal was for primary schools only to target the huge density of schools around the Heath causing congested roads. There was also a primary position to improve the highway network around the Heath to make it safe. Discussions with Camden were in early stages and it would need to be piloted in the first instance. Members were concerned the scheme would create more not less cycling on the Heath which was already an issue.


·         Members were updated on the proposal to develop the Sports Forum to form the new Hampstead Heath Sports and Wellbeing Forum and changes would include a larger membership with a more focussed agenda and terms of reference. It was noted that there had been extensive engagement and there had been some concern from the existing forums. Officers hope to start the new Forum in July starting with a focus on health and wellbeing.


·         The Chair felt the changes would make the Forum more productive and create more strategic thinking but highlighted that the changes would be kept under review. Members were supportive of the changes.


·         With regards to dog walking licences, it was noted that there was a typo and appendix 8 should say appendix 9. It was noted that the terms and conditions had been amended following feedback from dog walkers with the AM and PM timeslots proposing a day slot only. Had 46 replies, received number of emails.


·         The Chair noted that she had received correspondence from members of the public.


·         A Member noted that professional dog walkers was a widespread issue with strongly held views on both sides. The Member felt the current number was the right balance. Members supported the recommendation.


·         The Superintendent updated Members on the following planning application:


o   Jack Straws Castle (2020/1828/P). Members were keen that Officers continued to take a stand against the developers who should not be using common land at all.


o   Murphy’s Yard. Officers had been invited to a workshop with the developers to look at the plans and confirmed Partners would also be invited.


o   55 Fitzroy Park (2018/3672/P). a decision had not been determined, and Officers remained concerned by the drainage.


·         With regards to events, a Member noted that Parkrun had publicly criticised Local Authorities for being unduly bureaucratic and hoped the Corporation were assisting to get Parkruns back up and running.


·         The Chair explained that the sequencing of sports varied throughout the year and was hard to plan. In the case of the Parkrun, the organisers were picking a date not in line with the Government’s framework. It was agreed having safe events was the priority.


·         The Queen’s Park Manager provided an update on the Sandpit project which had already been supported by the HHCC. Members supported delegated authority to help get progress the project quicker and progress through other Committees.


RESOLVED – That Members:-


·         Members approve the Hampstead Heath Annual Work Programme Projects for 2021/22 (appendix 1);


·         Members approve the Highgate Wood Annual Work Programme Projects for 2021/22 (appendix 2) and the Highgate Wood Divisional Plan 2021/24,(appendix 10);


·         Members agree the Queen’s Park Annual Work Programme Projects for 2021/22, (appendix 3) and Queen’s Park Divisional Plan 2021/24, (appendix 11);


·         Members agree to retain the current four dog limit for Professional Dog Walkers and to support the implementation of the Licencing Scheme as set out in paragraphs 35-41;


·         Grant Delegated Authority to the Town Clerk in consultation with the Chair and Deputy Chairman of the Committee to approve the Queen’s Park Sandpit Capital Project Gateway 2.

Supporting documents: