Agenda item

Recovery Taskforce post-launch engagement and activity

Joint report of the Director of Innovation & Growth and the Director of Communications.


The Committee received a joint report of the Director of Innovation and Growth and the Director of Communications providing an update and feedback on the work of the Recovery Task Force since its launch.


A recent article in CityAM was alluded to, in which it had been suggested that employers in the City might seek to reduce their office floor space requirements. In response to a question as to the impact this might have on the City, it was advised that it would be precipitate to make any real assessment as to what employers might seek to do in general, with varying positions already being pursued by different companies or sectors. Some businesses were already seeking larger volumes of office space to allow for more space per employee; others were pursuing higher quality office space or space with better sustainability standards, rather than simply considering volume. The focus for the City Corporation would continue to be to encourage more and new businesses into the City.


RESOLVED: That the report be received and its content noted.


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