Agenda item

Presentation on McCloud

The Chamberlain to be heard


The Board received a verbal presentation regarding McCloud. Members raised a number of questions:-


·         The City of London Police were represented on smaller sub-groups feeding into the work, rather than on the main group responding to the review. The Pensions Team were asked to provide the Board with the make up of the main delivery bodies and any implementation groups – highlighting the COLP’s involvement. 3/2021/P.


·         Members were concerned that delay would impact pensioners on the 2015 scheme, who die before they are put back on the legacy scheme. It was confirmed that no changes to the plans could be made until the relevant legislation was passed, this could take up to two years. The Pensions Team were asked whether the Remembrancer could give a steer on whether work could begin on implementing the remedy in advance of the legislation being passed to ensure the implementation can be finalised within the expected timeframes. 4/2021/P.


·         Once legislation had been passed, it would be implemented retrospectively and cases assessed on an individual basis. Advice would need to be given by an independent source, even in the cases where the beneficiary had passed away. The Board wanted to be sure that the Force had in place appropriate resources to provide access to independent financial advice. All other forces were in the same position and the Board were keen to be a leader in how this could be managed. Members believed the Force should be making advance preparations to ensure there are sufficient additional resources to allow for the implementation of the McCloud Remedy.


·         There was a focus on risk and the need to review the risk register. It was suggested that the existing McCloud risk be re-written as a key risk with four to five sub risks and how they will be proactively managed. 5/2021/P.


·         A strategic approach was required, particularly on communications that were informative but not overwhelming. The Pensions Team asked a Member if they could pass on any recent Federation circulars/publications in respect of McCloud


·         It was expected that the Pensions Team would have a lot of work to do – this resource would also need management. Time had already been dedicated to drawing communications together from the Government, Pensions Office and Federation. Discussions with software providers are underway but there was a risk that work done in advance could be jeopardised should the legislation not be passed as anticipated.


RESOLVED, that the update be noted.