Agenda item

Appointment of Committees

Report of the Town Clerk.


To be read in conjunction with the confidential appendices at item 39 on the agenda.


The newly-appointed co-opted governor Timi Dorgu joined the meeting at 10.15, and apologies were received from the other newly-appointed co-opted governor David Woodgate.


Governors received a report of the Town Clerk concerning the Appointment of Committees.


Governors agreed to postpone the appointment of an Association of Governing Bodies of Independent Schools governor for the 2021-22 academic year in order to seek clarification on whether there was a need to re-appoint anyone to that role, given that another governor is already on the AGBIS board.


Governors heard that current post-holders were content to remain in their existing allocated Designated Roles.


Governors heard that the Bursary Committee comprises the entire board, with the board’s Chair and Deputy Chair acting in the same capacities on the Bursary Committee.


Governors agreed to expand the membership of the Finance & Estates Committee to six from the current five in addition to the Committee’s Chairman and Deputy Chairman (Deputy Bottomley and Tim Levene respectively), and confirmed the other six members as being: Deputy James Thomson, Alexander Barr, Lesley Cartmell, Timi Dorgu, Andrew Jones, and David Woodgate, subject to the latter being willing to serve.


Governors agreed to the Governance Committee’s membership as follows: Board Chairman and Deputy Chairman Tim Levene and Deputy Bottomley respectively together with: Dominic Christian, Ian Seaton, David Woodgate, and Deputy Edward Lord, subject to the latter being willing to serve.


Governors agreed to the membership of the Academic & Education Committee’s membership as follows: Professor Paul Madden and Tim Levene (Chairman and Deputy Chairman respectively), Deputy Bottomley, Lesley Cartmell, John Claughton, Rosie Gill and Caroline Haines together with John Owen, a co-opted Member specific to the Committee, subject to his being willing to serve and subject to Professor Paul Madden’s willingness to serve as Chairman.


Governors agreed to the composition of the Teachers’ Pay Panel as set out in Appendix 1.


RESOLVED, that Governors:


·         Agree Governors’ Designated Roles for the 2021/22 academic year

·         Approve the terms of reference of the Committees of the Board at Appendix 1, which includes any proposed amendments to the terms of reference, and

·         Appoint the membership of those Committees for the 2021/22 academic year, including Chairmen and Deputy Chairmen of each, as set out above.


Supporting documents: