Agenda item

TOM Review Pilot Project at the 3 City of London Schools – People management – Greater Local Delegation

Report of the Director of Human Resources.


Governors considered a report of the Director of Human Resources regarding TOM Review Pilot Project at the 3 City of London Schools – People Management – Greater Local Delegation.




RESOLVED, that Governors:

·         Note and endorse the areas identified to pilot local delegation to the three Head Teachers at the City Schools in relation to: starting point for external appointments; incremental progression - additional awards and Honoraria payments including the calculation for partial acting-up payments. It is recommended that the pilot commence with immediate effect in order for there to be a full term during which these delegations can be reported together with a reporting back of the findings after recess

·         Note that a report will be made to the October meeting of the Committee providing a review and evaluation of the pilot


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