Agenda item

Outstanding Actions

Report of the Town Clerk.


Governors received a report of the Town Clerk regarding the Outstanding Actions.


Governors heard that the City of London Corporation was focussing on the ongoing development fund, and that the board would receive an update when further information was forthcoming. A Governor commented that the issue has been ongoing since February 2020 and that progress on the issue was welcome.


Governors noted that pupil data is securely destroyed once the pupil reaches their 25th birthday (ref 5P/CLFS/2020).


Governors noted that the telephone number of Deputy Elizabeth Rogula (safeguarding lead) is now on the safeguarding and child protection policy (ref 6P/CLFS/2020).


On the level of recovery within the charities pool, governors heard that there has been a recovery of almost £230K based on current drafts, and that the accounts are currently being prepared for audit with a view to their being submitted to the board’s next meeting (ref 7P/CLFS/2020).





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