Agenda item

Update on overall TOM flight path savings

Report of the Chamberlain.


The Committee received a Joint Report of The Town Clerk & Chief Executive and The Chamberlain.


Several Members remarked that, whilst it was still early days in the process, there was a lot of work to be done to ensure we achieved the savings flight path.


The Chamberlain stressed that, as well as the TOM savings, the challenge also extended to the securing savings under Medium Term Financial Plan. Noting the one-off savings identified by serval departments, it was vital that, on the whole, the savings secured were sustainable and fixed. The Chamberlain added the RASC away day in July would provide Members with an opportunity to drill down on the current proposals.


The Chairman of the Efficiency & Performance (Finance) Sub-Committee pointed out that the Report had been reviewed by that Sub the previous week, Members there had asked for future iterations of this Report to include better graphical representations of the savings secured and still to be achieved (e.g. by way of a graphic barometer)  in future. He pledged to work with the Chair of the Establishment Committee to ensure that both Committees, whilst examining these issues with slightly different lenses, worked in lockstep over the coming months.


RESOLVED – that the Committee noted the Report.



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