Agenda item

Superintendent Updates

The Superintendents to be heard.



The Committee heard oral updates from the Markets Superintendents on the matters set out below.



1.    Coronavirus and Brexit impact – there had been little change since restrictions were eased with steady trade and tenants geared towards supplying local customers/businesses doing better than those geared towards supplying hotels/conference/banqueting/catering.

2.    Since the last Markets Committee, the three Market Superintendents had met with the Energy Team to gain an understanding of how energy was sourced and further updates would be provided following a planned tenants liaison meeting.

3.    The Lord Mayor visited the Market in June where the peppercorn rent of one salmon that the CoL pays to Tower Hamlets, was presented to the Speaker of the Council.

4.    There was close liaison with the Metropolitan Police who had visited the Market and delivered site specific training package called SCaN (See Check and Notify) geared towards all front facing roles focussing on how to recognise suspicious behaviour.


5.    Committee Members were invited to attend the annual committee visit to Billingsgate Market to be held on 9th September 2021.  Invites would be sent in due course and Members were requested to RSVP to the Town Clerk’s Office.

New Spitalfields


Vehicle numbers have remained steady from April to June 2021 but there had been a 15% drop in vehicle numbers compared to the same period last year.  It was hoped that vehicle number would increase once all Covid restrictions were lifted on 19 July. Hospitality/event businesses re-opening would benefit catering supply businesses, some of whom were operating at about 30% of pre pandemic levels.

Climate action policy

From May 2020 to May 2021, more than 500 tonnes of food was donated to City Harvest. This equates to 1.2m meals and has offset 1,900 tonnes of Co2 emissions. From January 2020 to Jan 2021, 11.5 tonnes of waste were generated at the market, none of which went to landfill. Waste was repurposed as follows:


ØCardboard and plastic sold for reuse in other industries

ØWood shredded for the energy industry

ØOrganic matter sent anaerobic digestion facility to create energy

ØFly tipped tyres shredded to make matting for play areas in parks

ØSoil from road sweeping is cleaned and reused, oils/slurry is cleaned – water is returned to the water system and oils made into pellets for the energy industry

ØPolystyrene treated and used in the clothing and plastic industry.


LED lighting had been installed in all communal areas of the site reducing energy consumption by 10%, resulting in reduced energy costs.  Officer were also working with businesses to replace lighting on their premises to further reduce energy consumption.

Rental of empty catering units

Officers were working jointly with the City Surveyors Department to advertise and rent vacant units and there were a number of prospective tenants.


There was no significant impact to date but the shortage of HGv drivers could impact on supply chains and this would be kept under review.

Air Quality

The SpMTA had not confirmed their Councils concrete agreement to conversion to electric vehicles but discussions were ongoing with a view to converting to electric vehicles over the next 3 years.  A battery bank/ancillary business was also being explored to reduce the number of electric charging points on site as this was a fire safety concern.

Markets Committee visit

Committee Members were invited to the annual visit to New Spitalfields Market to take place on 22 September 2021.  Invites would be sent in due course and Members were requested to RSVP to the Town Clerk’s Office.



  • The Lord Mayor visited Smithfield on 10th June 2021 and met with traders to hear first-hand about the challenges created by the pandemic and the gradual recovery.

  • The Committee Chairman and the Director of Markets & Consumer Protection visited the market on 25th June 2021 to observe the challenges for the market and the impact of major projects in the immediate area of West Smithfield. These projects had resulted in road closures, one-way systems, reduced road widths and loading bay suspensions which have had a significant effect on trade and lead to a rise in resident complaints as deliveries and collections have been displaced towards the east area of the Market.

  • Members were invited to the annual Committee visit to Smithfield Market planned for 22nd July 2021. Invitations were to be sent out imminently and Members were requested to RSVP to the Town Clerk’s Office by 17th July 2021.

  • Trade was now at 70 - 80% of pre pandemic levels and it was expected that further easement of restrictions on 19th July 2021 would increase trade further.  Some hospitality businesses may not experience a full 100% table cover service, thereby potentially supressing a full recovery to pre-pandemic levels and the full impact of restrictions on trade would not be known for many months to come.

·         Car Park income had seen a positive recovery and income was up by £67k (42%) compared to April to June 2020. Income collection would be included in these oral updates going forward.


RESOLVED – That the updates be noted.