Agenda item

Any Other Business that the Chairman Considers Urgent


10a Markets Conditions Surveys

Officers reported that the survey reports had now been received and whilst there were no immediate dangers identified, there were several matter across Billingsgate and New Spitalfields Markets requiring attention including and a bid list would be created in order of priority works and a report on the strategy for delivering works would be presented to the Committee over the coming months.


In response to questions from Members, Officers stated that realistic timelines for releasing the draft surveys and preparing the strategy would be agreed in consultation with the Chairman, Director of Markets & Consumer protection and tenants


10b Retirement of Director of Markets & Consumer Protection

The Chairman gave a vote of thanks to Jon Averns given that this was the last Markets Committee meeting he was attending in his capacity as the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection.  Members echoed the sentiments of the Chairman and were very appreciate of Jon’s dedication and the support that he had provided to the Committee.