Agenda item

West Ham Park Managers Update

Report of the Director of Open Spaces.


The Committee received a report of the Director of Open Spaces on the West Ham Park Managers Update.


Responding to a Committee member’s query the Chairman confirmed that the History Exhibition event at West Ham Park had been arranged by the Friends of West Ham Park and that it was his understanding that the limitation on numbers were to comply with COVID social distancing rules. The Deputy Chairman expressed her thanks to the Friends of West Ham Park for organising such a successful event. The Director of Open Spaces explained the History Exhibition at West Ham Park was planned to be permanent so all committee members would have the chance to visit the site.


The Director of Open Spaces highlighted that the recruitment embargo had meant that an existing staff member had been allocated to the position of interim West Ham Park Manager. The Committee noted this was not a fully satisfactory position and which they wished to see resolved when possible.


Responding to a Committee member’s query with the City Surveyor confirmed that some details of the Nursery site project still needed to remain non-public as they were commercially sensitive. However, it was added that public consultation on the project would be undertaken when possible.


RESOLVED- That the report be noted.


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