Agenda item

Any Other Business That the Chair Considers Urgent


The Chair asked Members how they wished to continue with meetings going forward: 1) to continue meeting virtually, 2) meet in a hybrid fashion virtually and in person retaining recorded meetings but this would need to take place at Guildhall, or 3) go back to normal meeting at Parliament Hill but the meetings would not be recorded. It was noted that Open Spaces meetings were one of the most watched areas on the Corporation’s YouTube channel. The Chair highlighted the wider opportunities for consultation and transparency of conversations when meetings were recorded.


The Chair also noted the wide membership of the Committee which was not fully demographic of the area it represented.


RESOLVED - With two hours having elapsed since the start of the meeting, in accordance with Standing Order No. 40 the Committee agreed at this point to extend the meeting by up to thirty minutes.



Members were asked what their preference was for meetings and how they engaged the groups they represented. The following responses were made:


·         Dartmouth Park Conservation Area Advisory Committee - in person meetings at Guildhall or Parliament Hill. Represents 10 members with decisions to 30-40 people.

·         South End Green Association – happy with virtual meetings with a live audience but ok with meeting in person at Guildhall.

·         London Wildlife Trust - prefer hybrid and report to 10 people plus newsletter to 300 people.

·         Hampstead Garden Suburb Residents' Association – had difficulties with MS Teams but in principle hybrid meetings best solution when noting the wider audience ability and transparency. Have fb groups and could link to the agenda if appropriate.

·         Highgate Society – happy with virtual but prefer Zoom. Live meetings easier to have conversations so would go for hybrid. Report to committee of 15 people.

·         Marylebone Birdwatching Society – hybrid a sensible option with walks assisting conversations. Report to 120 members and update at meetings.

·         Friends of Kenwood – Hybrid at Parliament Hill preferable but would attend Guildhall. Report back at each meeting 10 main members but 600 members overall, plus lots of social media engagement.  

·         Heath and Hampstead Society – favour face to face meetings. Report back to 12 members plus newsletter to 3,000 people.   

·         Mansfield Conservation Area Advisory Committee & Neighbourhood Association Committee – dependant on infection rate and vaccine immunity, would be reluctant to meet in Parliament Hill room in person. Report back to committee which are exercised about relevant issues and discuss heavily.

·         London Council for Recreation and Sport – face to face preferred but would do hybrid if at a different local venue. Engage London-wide disseminating information with Camden on nature, heath and sport.

·         Hampstead Rugby Club – happy with virtual or hybrid. Report to members and disseminate information to over 600 people.

·         Representative of Clubs using facilities on the Heath – hybrid meetings. Do not report to a single committee, hot topics discussed heavily.

·         Hampstead Conservation Area Advisory Committee – hybrid meetings best option. Report and disseminate to 10-15 people and run website.

·         Vale of Health Society – hybrid best but prefer Zoom over MS Teams. Report to 6 active members plus 70 others on individual matters.




With regards to potential larger, local venues, Members were encouraged to provide suggestions to the Town Clerk.