Report of the Executive Director, Environment.
The Committee received a report of the Executive Director, Environment setting out the progress made during Q3 of the 2021/22 Departmental Business Plan.
A Member referred to the dashboard and mention of 41 fatal casualties and serious injuries on the City’s street. She stated that this number was concerning and asked for further detail on this. Officers responded to clarify that this was an annual figure and was therefore for the last full year. The Member stated that it would be useful to clarify this in writing in future reports.
Another Member commented that it was useful to have infographics presented to the Committee but stated that these should also provide information as to how figures compared with previous years and present trends.
In terms of resources, another Member referred to the restructuring of the Department under the Target Operating Model and questioned if, when this was finalised, it could be brought back to this Committee for information. She added that it would also be helpful for the Director to address Members of this Committee as to departmental resources and her vision for the department going forward.
RESOLVED – That Members note the report and appendices.
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