Agenda item

Aldermanic Elections and Meeting Dates in 2022

A report of the Town Clerk setting out a revised programme of meeting dates for the General Purposes Committee of Aldermen and the Court of Aldermen in 2022.


The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk setting out a revised programme of meeting dates for the General Purposes Committee of Aldermen and the Court of Aldermen in 2022.


The revised programme of meetings in 2022 was set out alongside the dates of the Wardmotes which were expected to be held in 2022, for up to nine Aldermanic elections to take place as of March 2022. The paper before Members identified where dates for meetings of the General Purposes Committee of Alderman or the Court of Aldermen would be revised, or where additional meetings would be scheduled, to reflect the Aldermanic election timetable.


There was some discussion regarding the proposed electoral timetable on the basis that at previous meetings of the General Purposes Committee of Aldermen in 2020 and in early 2021, the Committee had agreed to defer Aldermanic elections for a number of reasons and elections would not therefore take place before March 2022. As the Court of Common Council’s Ward Elections would take place on 24 March 2022 (for contested seats), some Members queried why Aldermanic elections could not commence before 11 May 2022. Further to this, clarification was sought as to why the elections had to be staggered across four months rather than holding them all on one date, where vacancies would have already arisen before March 2022 in normal circumstances. Several Members commented on the risk of being seen to manage and configure the electoral arrangements which was not, in their mind, in the spirit of transparency.


During the discussion the following points were made:-


-       Require clarity about the rationale for the approach set out in the report;

-       What are the specific considerations as to Aldermanic elections should not be triggered as of the February 2021 meeting of the Court of Aldermen?;

-       What are the specific considerations as to why some of the Aldermanic elections should not take place on 24 March 2022?;

-       Noting that Aldermen are elected for life but the convention of surrendering one’s Office upon six years is observed by Aldermen, what, if any, legal considerations apply i.e. can an Alderman be told when to surrender their Office and, if seeking re-election, be asked to serve for only 5 years?

-       Important to consider, in good time, the induction arrangements for all new Aldermen. It was suggested that an away-day be scheduled in good time so all candidates were aware that this would take place and they were able to diarise this as a priority.

-       Pre-election advice to potential candidates – it was suggested that there should also be greater clarity about who to contact amongst those on the Court about standing for election and the role/work of an Alderman. This would be an opportunity to meet serving Aldermen and really understand what the role entailed, prior to election.

-       What is the legal basis for how the Aldermanic elections are to be managed and who has the authority to decide when elections take place?  

-       It is critical that the best calibre of individuals put themselves forward as candidates for election and for the 2022 electoral timetable to be made public as soon as possible.


Several Members commented on the need to stagger the elections to avoid a significant change in membership in one go. It was suggested that by accelerating the timetable and commencing elections before 11 May 2022, the Court would not be criticised. Other Members however commented that whilst the elections had legitimately been delayed until March 2022, on the basis that Covid-19 restrictions had now lifted and parliamentary elections were held at the same time, as were the Common Council elections, the Court of Aldermen should avoid being out of step unless there was a clear rationale for a different approach.


As there was no majority support for the programme as set out in the report before Members, the Town Clerk was requested to submit a further report to the Committee’s October meeting for further consideration. This report would address the points raised in the discussion so a rationale for the 2022 election timetable could be agreed in due course.


Resolved:- That the Town Clerk prepare, in consultation with the Comptroller and City Solicitor and the Electoral Services Manager, a report for submission to the 19 October 2021 meeting of the General Purposes Committee of Aldermen providing clarification about the various points raised in discussion on 14 September 2021, so a rationale for the 2022 election timetable can be agreed in due course.

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