Agenda item

Innovation and Growth Advisory Board (IGAB): Board Nominations and Name Change

A report of the Executive Director of Innovation and Growth setting out nominations for the final two external Members of the IGAB for 2021/2022 and seeking approval for the adoption of a new name for the IGAB. 


Approval of the recommendations set out in the report will be sought from the Policy and Resources Committee on 16September 2021.


The Committee received a report of the Executive Director, Innovation and Growth presenting the names of the final two external Members of the Innovation and Growth Advisory Board (IGAB) for confirmation, and a proposed name change for the Innovation and Growth Advisory Board (IGAB). It was noted that these matters would be considered, for approval, by the Policy and Resources Committee on 16 September 2021.


In response to a query about access to reports and minutes associated with the meetings of the IGAB, the Chairman explained that the Advisory Board -effectively an informal working group- would undertake its work in private thus enabling the membership, of which there were a number of external stakeholders, to have restricted conversations.


Resolved:- That the report be noted.

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