Agenda item

Policies for Approval

Report of the Headmistress of the City of London School for Girls.


Governors considered a report of the Headmistress setting out ten school policies for approval and the following points were made:


·         With regard to the Fire Safety Policy and Procedures, the Deputy Chairman queried the frequency of fire evacuation procedures and the Bursar confirmed that these were conducted on a termly basis.  In response to a further question about the Health and Safety and Wellbeing Policy, the Bursar confirmed that updates to the policy were very minor and mainly intended to bring the School in line with arrangements at the City of London School.  The Headmistress advised that whilst approval was sought for a Newly Qualified Teachers Induction Policy, this was the final year of Newly Qualified Teachers who would be known as Early Careers Teachers from the 2022/23 academic year. 


·         A Governor queried where School policies were held.  The Headmistress confirmed that all policies required for inspection or that could be made publicly available were published to the School’s website.  Governors could request other policies directly from the School.


RESOLVED – That the following policies be approved:


·         Admissions Policy;

·         Anti-Bullying Policy;

·         EAL Policy;

·         ECT Induction;

·         Fire Policy and Procedures;

·         Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy;

·         Induction Policy for NQTs;

·         Missing Child Policy;

·         Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy - Changes have been made to the in light of changes to KCSIE 2021; and,

·         SEND Policy.

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