To agree the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 14 December 2021.
The Committee considered the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 14 December 2021 and approved them as a correct record, subject to the addition of the point below.
Mr Hayward indicated that the sole reason that he had offered his apologies for the last meeting had been the result of a specific conflict of interest on the planning application at Holborn Viaduct. He asked that this be recorded in the minutes of the last meeting.
Moor Lane (page 24) – A Member noted that the minutes concluded that the Chair and Deputy Chairman of this Committee and the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Streets and Walkways Sub Committee would look to engage further with this issue in the first instance and questioned what progress had been made on this. The Member commented that this was a hugely important issue in the eyes of residents and expressed an enormous amount of concern at the handling of this matter to date and at the fact that the greening of Moor Lane now looked to be in jeopardy with a developer potentially securing additional land free of charge. Officers undertook to alert colleagues in the Public Realm to this question and to ask that they respond to the Member in writing on this outside of the meeting. It was confirmed that a meeting to discuss this matter further had already been arranged. The Member thanked Officers for this and asked that the Chair and Deputy Chairman give their strong support to the team negotiating this matter.
Presentation of Sustainability Information – Call for Consistency (page 15) – A Member referred back to the call from Members to have clear and consistent sustainability information reported alongside all future planning applications and the assurances from Officers that this would form part of the wider Sustainability Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) which was currently being developed. She suggested that it might be useful for Members to meet further with relevant Officers and discuss what might be helpful in terms of key data so that this could start to come forward in future planning applications in the interim and ahead of the finalisation of the SPD which could still take some time. The Chief Planning Officer suggested that a meeting between Members and Sustainability Officers to discuss this in greater depth would be welcomed and could be arranged.
The Member went on to question progress around the SPD and a timeline for production. The Chief Planning Officer and Development Director undertook to come back to the Member in writing after the meeting with full details of this but assured the Committee that this was a priority for the team.
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