Report of the Chamberlain.
Members received a report of the Chamberlain relative to the Risk Management Update.
Members considered the proposal for the removal of two corporate risks (CR24 Operational Security and CR28 Action Fraud.
A question was raised as to whether CR24 Operational Security should be removed ,with immediate effect, given the inherent and continuous threat level. It was understood that a related risk specifically with regard to Terrorism was being developed in October 2022 (mentioned in paragraph 13(a) of the report). In response, the Chamberlain commented that a risk with the characteristics of CR24, i.e. related to a project that has been delivered, would be removed from the Corporate Risk Register if all the actions associated with a risk were completed, which is the case with CR24. The Chamberlain felt it would be inappropriate to tie two different risks together by waiting to replace one with the other. Members noted that the report itself created a linkage between the two risks by mentioning the new Terrorism corporate risk in paragraph 13(a), and that the two risks should be separate and distinct.
RESOLVED, that – the report be received and the following actions be noted:
- The removal of CR24 Operational Security and CR28 Action Fraud from the Corporate Risk Register
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