To consider the Deputy Head’s Public Policies report, and to approve the following policies: Exclusions; Searches and Confiscations; Educational Trips and Visits; Child Protection and Safeguarding.
The Board received the Deputy Head’s report on policies.
In response to a question about whether the policies were shared in order to ensure best practice, Governors heard that they were not proactively shared but the policies were publicly available on the school’s website. It was pointed out that the policies are carefully tailored to suit the school.
A Governor pointed out (in relation to the Searches and Confiscation policy) that vapes were sometimes concealed in cereal packets. That information was noted.
A Governor referred to section 6.3.26 of the Safeguarding and Child Protection (“keeps the Headmaster informed of all safeguarding matters”) and asked whether there was merit in inserting “and the safeguarding governor” given that the safeguarding governor was usually contacted.
A Governor queried whether the contact details of organisations that support children (such as Childline) should be in the body of the policy, and the Board heard that those details were prominently displayed around the school.
RESOLVED, that Members approve the following policies: Exclusions; Searches and Confiscation; Trips and Educational Visits; and Safeguarding and Child Protection, with the insertion of “and the safeguarding governor” to section 6.3.26 of the latter.
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