Report of the City Surveyor.
There are 2 large appendices to this report which will be circulated separately.
The Committee received a report of the City Surveyor in respect of the key points and recommendations from the City of London Corporation’s Housing Net Zero Carbon Action Plan in relation to the Barbican Estate.
In response to questions the following points were noted:
a) The plan set out priorities aimed at those estates emitting the most carbon and experiencing the highest levels of fuel poverty. It also sought to create synergies with the existing Capital Works Programme. However, there was scope for opportunities to implement cost effective carbon safety initiatives earlier in the programme; i.e., soffits insulation for flats at podium level and improving the controls of existing heating systems.
b) Triple glazing would also fall within prioritisation, if found to be cost effective. The officer confirmed that triple glazing can be installed, but consideration is given on a case by case basis, due to the different depths and sizes, and in accordance with the Deed of Variation and Listed Building Consent.
c) Resident groups had identified a couple of quick fixes in terms of insulating soffits and air handling in the blocks, which is currently poor, and the officer confirmed that they would also be looked at in terms of prioritisation. The officer confirmed that suggestions (a) to (c) above would be raised when the report is presented to the BRC.
d) Embedded carbon from buildings does not form part of the action plan but falls under design standards in the Climate Action Strategy, which is being taken forward as part of planning policy. In the future, it is likely that there will be a lot more scrutiny on new developments, rather than demolishing and rebuilding.
e) Whilst grants are available to decarbonise homes, these might fall outside the scope of the Barbican Estate. Officers are looking to utilise other funding options and, whilst they cannot be specific at this time, external funding would be utilised first, supplemented by Climate Action Strategy funding from the City Corporation.
RESOLVED, that – the report be noted.
Supporting documents: