Agenda item

Implications of the Fire Safety Act 2021

Report of the Remembrancer and the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


The Committee received a joint report of the Remembrancer and the Director of Community and Children’s Services in respect of the relevant provisions of the Fire Safety Act 2021, which received Royal Assent on the 29 April 2021. Members noted that the report also provided an update in terms of how far the City Corporation had progressed in terms of Fire Safety since Grenfell Tower. 


Members noted an error on the ‘You Said: We Did’ report earlier on the agenda in terms of the ESW1 forms.  At the time, the Assistant Director reported that the City Surveyor had accepted responsibility for ESW1 forms on public buildings but not for the City’s housing estates or the Barbican.  The Assistant Director would therefore be making a representation to both  the Community and Children’s Services and Barbican Residential Committees and the BRC would need to agree to implement them by the end of the year.  


Subsequent to the meeting, the Assistant Director confirmed that the Asset Maintenance Working Party had received the Fire Signage Strategy document.  Members noted that this document would be shared with the Chairs of the respective House Groups for their comments and observations.


RESOLVED, that – the report be noted.


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