Agenda item

Managing Director's Report

Report of the Managing Director of Bridge House Estates (BHE)


The Committee considered a report of the Managing Director of BHE providing an update on key areas of activity and outlining upcoming activities. The Managing Director of BHE introduced the report and the Committee discussed the updates provided.


Wembley National Stadium Trust (WSNT)

The Managing Director of BHE advised that City Bridge Trust (CBT) was seeking to extend the existing contract with WSNT by two years, to March 2024, the existing contract having worked well for both organisations, and demonstrating one of CBT’s key values in collaboration and working with other funders. The Committee agreed that the contract should be extended.


Nomination to LocalMotion

The Managing Director of BHE updated the Committee on the LocalMotion funder collaboration, to which CBT was a contributor, and advised that CBT was seeking the nomination of one Member to act as a LocalMotion “Board Champion” attending two to six cross-initiative learning meetings per year to increase understanding of the work at board level and foster connections directly between places and Board Members. The Chair asked that Members consider whether they would like to be nominated and get in touch with him and the Managing Director if so. The Committee then agreed to delegate authority to appoint to the position following the meeting.


Learning Case Study – SafeLives

The Managing Director of BHE drew the Committee’s attention to the learning case study set out in the report. The Managing Director advised that CBT had not yet resumed in-person assessment or monitoring visits, but was  looking to do so as soon as possible and with regards to latest guidance on Covid-19. In response to question from a Member, the Managing Director of BHE then confirmed that learning points from case studies were reintegrated into the work of CBT with a view to assisting grantees and future reporting.


The Chair of the BHE Board, observing, advised that he had recently attended a Social Investment Fund visit to the City YMCA, and encouraged Members to participate in visits when possible, as they were useful opportunities.


RESOLVED – That the Grants Committee of the BHE Board:


a)    Note the report;


b)    Agree the extension to the Wembley National Stadium Trust contract until 31st March 2024;


c)    Delegate authority to the Chair and Deputy Chair to appoint a member of the Committee to undertake the role of LocalMotion ‘Board Champion’.

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