Agenda item

Annual On-Street Parking Accounts 2020/21 and Related Funding of Highway Improvements and Schemes

Report of the Chamberlain.


The Committee received a report of the Chamberlain informing Members of the surplus arising from on-street parking activities in 2020/21, how much of this had been applied in 2020/21 to fund approved projects and the surplus remaining on the On-Street Parking Reserve at 31st March 2021.


A Member referred to the surplus and spoke of the temporary barrier in place on London Bridge between pedestrians and traffic. He questioned at what point this would be turned into a permanent barrier and who would be responsible for taking this initiative. Officers responded to state that, as this was a security matter there was a limit as to what could be reported publicly. However, he clarified that the City were actively working with Transport for London on a resolution for this matter.


RESOLVED – That Members note the contents of this report for their information before submission to the Mayor of London.

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