Agenda item

Securing Target Operating Model Savings: 2021/22 Progress, Update on the Identification of Permanent Savings.

Report of the Chamberlain.


The Committee received a Report of the Chamberlain concerning Target Operating Model savings.


Members highlighted their concerns about the pace and effectiveness around securing permanent departmental TOM savings. Officers responded that a great deal of work was currently taking place and, as per the schedule outlined in the Report, Chief Officers would be coming through to the Establishment Committee and the Efficiency & Performance (Finance) Sub-Committee over the coming months to confirm the delivery of their department’s permanent savings.


Officers assured Members that whilst this was a challenging period, the overall flightpath was on track. It was also emphasised that within the current 2021/22 F/Y, the savings will be delivered due to a hold on vacancies; in future years, the savings will be locked in thanks to the new permanent shape of the respective departments after TOM.


The Chamberlain added that, as per the table on page 20, the current TOM pending in-year vacancies savings of £2.8m, needed to be increased over the short-term, this will be a key focus at upcoming bilateral sessions with departmental Chief Officers.


The Chairman of the Efficiency & Performance Sub-Committee (who is also a Member of Establishment Committee) assured Members that E&P was also acutely aware of this vital challenge and will be focusing on this at its upcoming meetings.


The Chair thanked Officers for the Report and asked that further updates are brought to the next meetings of the Committee in December and January respectively.  


RESOLVED – that the Committee noted the Report.

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