Agenda item

Housing Net Zero Carbon Action Plan

Report of the City Surveyor.

The appendices to this document are very large.  They will be available on the web site and circulated separately.


The Committee considered a report of the City Surveyor, which set out the key points and recommendations from the City of London Corporation’s Housing Net Zero Carbon Action Plan.  Members noted that the option recommended in the report presented the potential to save additional CO2 but the position could be reviewed once detailed surveys had been completed.


During the discussion, the following points were noted:

a)      The de-carbonisation of Frobisher Crescent would be part of the recommended scenario but, due to the specialist nature of this work, it would need further investigation.


b)      The social housing decarbonisation fund is available for mixed tenure but, as it requires 70% social housing, this would exclude the Barbican.  However, capital funding might be available, together with assistance for those Barbican residents on low incomes.


c)       The application for the initial round of funding does not include the Barbican Estate and the costs in the action plan might need further refinement.  However, there was the potential for carbon offset funding from developers and other via private finance schemes.


In concluding, Members noted that this is a high level report and, once the action plan had been agreed, the feasibility studies would commence over the next few months and the outcomes reported to the relevant Committees.   



1.       The report and its contents be noted.


2.      The recommended approach to developing priority projects be agreed.


3.      Future projects to be taken forward will be received separately for approval via the Gateway process.


Supporting documents: