Report of the Director of Communications.
Members considered a report of the Director of Communications regarding the sports engagement update.
Members all expressed their keen support for funding this work despite other challenges on City’s finances. This was a valuable programme, and it was felt that in future there should be more invested in the strategic development and delivery of sporting events.
In future, it was hoped more work could be done to maximise on the potential of the City’s Open Spaces and Family of Schools.
The Lord Mayor and Policy Chair’s Office would continue to be involved, particularly in larger events such as the forthcoming Commonwealth Games and Women’s Euros.
There was a discussion about celebrating recent British/London-based sporting champions.
RESOLVED, that Members
· note the progress being made on the City Corporation’s sport engagement programme as outlined in this report; and
· agree that the Policy and Resources Committee be asked to allocate £75,000 from the Policy Initiatives Fund towards sport engagement activity for 2022/23.
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