Agenda item

TOM CLS Pilot - HR proposals to achieve Greater Local Delegations

Report of the Chief Operating Officer.


The Committee considered a Report of the Chief Operating Officer concerning the Target Operating Model’s (TOM) City of London School pilot.


Officers confirmed that Recommendation 2 in the Report asked Members to approve a roll out of the particular delegations concerning HR to all City of London institutions and departments (to commence in November 2021 until end of July 2022).


Officers and the Chair emphasised that today’s Report concerned HR functions; the delegation of other enabling services, including Repairs & Maintenance and Procurement functions would be reviewed over the coming months by other Committees - this process would culminate in the spring.  


RESOLVED - that the Committee:


i) Note the positive impact of the greater HR delegations being tested in the City of London School, City of London School for Girls and City of London Freemen’s School as part of the TOM CLS pilot currently underway.


ii. Endorse the rollout of the particular delegations concerning HR within the wider CLS pilot to all CoL institutions and departments to commence in November 2021 until end of July 2022. The pilot will relate to:


• starting point for external appointments


• the starting point for internal acting ups into higher level positions;


• incremental progression - additional awards where there is a justified business case, e.g. as a recognition of examination success related to the post and agreed as a development requirement;


• honoraria payments up to the value of £2500


• a temporary amendment to the delegations of the MFS Board to approve all requests for honoraria payments between £2500 and £7500 regardless of grade


• all requests for honoraria payments proposed by Chief Officers over £7500 to be considered by the MFS Board and recommended to Establishment Committee for its agreement.


iii. A report will be made back to the Establishment Committee with a full evaluation of the pilot – both the HR delegations and the delegations relating to procurement, gateway approvals process and ways of working between the School and the Chamberlain’s department - and any resulting recommendations in September 2022.  

Supporting documents: