Report of the Chamberlain.
The Sub Committee received a report of the Chamberlain, which provided Members with an update on the identification of the permanent savings to meet the 12% budget reduction and fundamental review savings already applied to 2021/22 budgets.
Members noted that the report clearly articulated that it would be different to the one due to be considered by the Establishment Committee, in that the report to this Committee concentrates on overall savings and the Establishment Committee’s remit covers staff savings. However, there would be some crossover, as some departments had maintained vacancies and managed their savings around reorganisations, which would require a view from both sides.
The Town Clerk was invited to provide an update on the implementation of the TOM and advised that the ratios being used had resulted in staff savings. However, it was too early for Members to see the efficiencies being driven by different ways of working, which would reinforce the principles of the TOM. The Town Clerk further advised that some savings were one-offs rather than permanent and, where these had accumulated in some sections/departments, they would now require more focus than would have been the case with a sequence of savings.
RESOLVED, that – the report be noted.
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