Agenda item

Concessionary Parking at Smithfield Market During the Christmas Period 2021

Report of the Markets Director.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Markets regarding a request for a temporary reduction in the car park tariffs from 9pm on 1st December 2021 until 10am on 31stDecember 2021.


In presenting the report, Officers stated that there was already significant disruption around the market as a result of suspended loading bays and the concessions would assist in alleviating any further congestion/ disruption which was impacting on deliveries.


Members had mixed views on the length of the concessionary period being recommended in the absence of narrative in the report to outline the traffic pressures.  The justification for a longer concessionary period was questioned given that traffic levels were lower and a longer concessionary period would result in income loss for the CoL.


In response to questions and comments from Members, Officers advised that in the area around the market was already very congested and this was impacting on deliveries which would be exacerbated in the busier trading period leading up to Christmas.




RESOLVED – That Members agree


  1. To grant an increased concessionary period of 13 days from 12 – 24 December inclusive (compared to 14 days granted in 2020).

  2. That the current tariff be reduced to free for all visitors to the Rotunda car park from 9.00pm on Sunday 12th December until 10am on Friday 24th December 2021 (13 days).


Supporting documents: