Agenda item

Q2 Stop and Search Update

Report of the Commissioner.


The Committee received a Report of the Commissioner of the City of London Police concerning stop and search data for Q2.


In response to the query that arose at the last meeting of the Committee concerning recording keeping around the frequency of specific individuals being stopped and searched, officers confirmed that there were three forces in England and Wales that retain a record of individuals that have been repeatedly stopped and searched in their jurisdiction, however, it should be pointed out that none of these Forces share their data across county/jurisdictional borders, so an ability to glean any wider patterns is currently unavailable.


It was noted that whilst the City of London Police does collect the names of those stopped and searched, there is, currently, no way to cross-reference this list to ascertain how many individuals have been stopped on more than one occasion in the City. It was also pointed out that a full picture on the frequency of stops would only be possible if Forces across England and Wales shared their data. CoLP has raised this point with the national working group on Stop and Searches. Any shift in in this area would be reported back to the Committee.


In response to a query, officers confirmed that Police actions relating to the Extinction Rebellion protests in August and September were included in the Q2 figures. Whilst full analysis was still required, there had been, over Q2, an uptick in Section 1 Searches which relate directly to the protests. Officers would provide a further analysis in the Q3 Update.


In response to a separate query, officers confirmed that, whilst there had been no significant injuries amongst the 18 cases that were reported across Q2, a fuller analysis would be provided in the Q3 Report. It was also pointed out that if serious injuries occurred, they would be drawn to Members’ attention in a timely manner.


RESOLVED – that the Committee noted the Report.



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