Agenda item

City of London Police Update

The Commissioner of the City of London Police to be heard.


Members received an update of the Superintendent of the City of London Police and the following points were made:


·         Operation Luscombe continued to operate successfully.  Between 1 September and 4 October 2021, 73 tickets had been issued of which 51 were “green” invites to attend the bi-monthly intervention hub, 12 were “amber” Community Protection Warnings and 10 were Community Protection Notices.  Criminal Behaviour Orders were also used where appropriate, such as where individuals were involved in begging; however there had been no Criminal Behaviour Orders issued during this period as the behaviour of individuals had not exceeded the threshold.  At every stage of issuing notices, individuals were invited to attend the bi-monthly intervention hub where they could access homelessness outreach and support services, and a significant proportion of those receiving notices did not come to notice again.  During the Christmas period, an additional night-time hub would be introduced on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, bringing together a range of agencies and St John’s Ambulance representatives to ensure that appropriate support, including a warm, safe space, was available to homeless and rough sleeping individuals.


·         In considering the update, a Committee Member requested clarity around the requirements to apply for a Community Protection Notice or a Criminal Behaviour Order.  Details on this, as well as up-to-date figures for ticketing under Operation Luscombe would be provided to Committee Members following the meeting.  The Committee Member requested that the Committee be notified of any cases due to appear before the Magistrates’ Court seeking a Criminal Behaviour Order and this would be actioned going forward.  The Committee agreed the need for a consistent point of contact at the City of London Police for the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Sub-Committee and the Deputy Chair would follow this up after the meeting.


RESOLVED, that the update be noted.