Agenda item

Equalities and Inclusion HIghlight Report

Report of the Commissioner.


Members received a report of the Commissioner regarding Equalities and Inclusion Highlights.


The six workstreams had turned into five, with learning, development and recruitment now usefully falling under the same umbrella.


For the next officer intake, BAME recruitment was positive although female representation was reduced. Cadet recruitment was promising, as the cohort was formed of 56% female and 52% BAME.


Work was underway with Amazon to provide a programme for schools including training on cyber bullying and, cyber security. This was hoped to not only develop children’s personal skills but attract and engage those young people with the possibility of a career in policing. This programme would act as a pilot, with the possibility of national roll-out explored after the initial phase.


It was acknowledged that the 40 new transferees would be unlikely to increase diversity as recruitment was taking place from an older cohort were recruited when forces were not attracting applications from minority groups. This had been an area of historic challenge, particularly in relation to economic crime posts. COLP were working with staff networks nationally and targeting adverts across different media. The cluster panels would also be used in due course. New communities needed to be tapped. It was noted that the Force was advertising for a new Recruitment, Attraction and Progression HR professional which would also assist in developing new strategies to attract from minority groups.


The importance of employee surveys was highlighted – the Chair reiterated the request to see the new rhythm of surveys (25/2021/P).


RESOLVED, that the report be noted.

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