Agenda item

Private Rented Sector Framework Summary Report

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services providing a summary of the Private Rented Sector Framework and the following points were made:


·         The City of London Private Rented Sector Move-on Scheme commenced on 1 April 2021 for a four-year period.  The three private rented sector partners participating in the scheme had each committed to sustain a minimum of five tenancies for a minimum of 12 months per annum and were responsible for sourcing a good standard of properties, developing relationships with trusted landlords and supporting clients to sustain their tenancies, including welfare, financial and health support where needed, as well troubleshooting any concerns that could threaten a client’s tenancy, such as rent arrears.  The providers were responsible for sourcing their own landlords and monitoring the quality of accommodation, the minimum standard of which was made clear in the service specification.  During Quarters 1 and 2 of the 2021/22 financial year, 13 individuals had been housed, with 85% sustaining their tenancies to the end of Quarter 2.  Performance against the scheme would be monitored closely, including an annual report to the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Sub-Committee.


·         In response to a question from the Deputy Chair, the Interim Pathway Co-ordinator confirmed that the private rented sector partners comprised two not-for-profit organisations and one housing association of longstanding but varying expertise all of which were committed to developing their services to meet a full range of client need.  Clients were allocated to these partners on a rotational basis rather than on their support needs which supported providers to grow their expertise.  During Quarter 1 and 2, an  average of 74% of referred clients had been accepted by the private rented sector partners with other clients referred to alternative accommodate options which better met their support needs.  The Chairman welcomed plans to hold a Private Rental Sector workshop with the three providers and referring partners to build a better understanding of the scheme and noted that by addressing misconceptions around private rented accommodation, pressure on limited social housing stock would be reduced.  The Sub-Committee requested that a workshop be arranged between Committee Members and the private rented sector partners to share learning and best practice about the new and innovative approach. 


RESOLVED, that the report be noted.

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