Agenda item

Mayoral and Shrieval Expenses - Appointment of the Aldermanic Deputation 2022-23

To appoint three Aldermen to serve on the Aldermanic Deputation (Mayoral and Shrieval Expenses) for 2022/23.


In 2021/2022 Aldermen Sir David Wootton, Sir Andrew Parmley and the late Sir Roger Gifford served on the Deputation.


The Committee considered appointments to the Mayoral and Shrieval Expenses – Aldermanic Deputation for 2022/2023.


Resolved:- That Alderman Sir David Wootton (Chairman, General Purposes Committee of Aldermen), Alderman William Russell (Deputy Chairman, General Purposes Committee of Aldermen) and Alderman Sir Andrew Parmley (Chairman, Nominations Committee of Aldermen) be appointed to serve on the Mayoral and Shrieval Expenses – Aldermanic Deputation for 2022/2023.