A report of the Town Clerk relative to action taken in accordance with the Court of Aldermen’s urgency procedures since the last meeting of the General Purposes Committee of Aldermen on 19th October 2021.
The Committee received a report of action taken by the Town Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman of the General Purposes Committee of Aldermen and the Chairman of the Court of Aldermen, in accordance with Standing Order No. 46 (Court of Aldermen), relative to an extension to the waiver previously issued by the Court of Aldermen to enable Livery Companies and Guilds to conduct their business on a virtual basis until 31 March 2022.
It was noted that in relation to this matter an item had been placed on the agenda at item 16. However, the Magistracy and Livery Sub-Committee would be reviewing the position at its next meeting on 16th December 2021 and thereafter the General Purposes Committee would consider future guidance to the Livery and Guilds in respect of the conduct of their business beyond 31 March 2022.
Resolved:- That –
(i) the report of action taken be noted; and
(ii) the Committee note that the longer-term position in respect of the conduct of Livery Company and Guild business beyond 31st March 2022 shall be considered at the next meeting of the General Purposes Committee of Aldermen on 8th February 2022.
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