Agenda item

Repairs and Maintenance Service - Overview

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


The Sub Committee received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services which provided Members an overview of the current repairs and maintenance service and the performance of the contractors delivering these services. The report covered the repairs and maintenance service to all the City of London Corporation’s (the Corporation) Housing Revenue Account (HRA) estates including, the Almshouses and commercial properties


Members were concerned at the performance in respect of responses within 3 and 20 working days and during the discussion the following points were noted:


1.       The next report to Members, in January 2022, would cover complaints handling and set out recent high profile case studies, including the action taken and lessons learnt.  Members noted that the number of these cases is relatively low and the report on this agenda is intended to set a performance marker.  


2.       The Assistant Director and his team meet regularly with contractors in order to resolve any difficulties and, if areas continue to fail, appropriate action can be taken under the terms of the contract. Members noted the national issues in terms of resourcing, material shortages and attracting suitable skilled workers.


3.       The completion of the Major Works Programme will reduce the need for reactive works and, when the Repairs & Maintenance Contract is next retendered, it will provide an opportunity for the current contract terms and conditions to be updated and modernised. The Assistant Director emphasised that, once the Major Works Programme has been completed, there is a need for a more comprehensive planned/reactive maintenance programme, which had recently been achieved with the inspection and maintenance procedures for drainage.


4.       In terms of gas servicing, Members noted that this is subject to, and regulated by legislation and failure to comply can result in criminal proceedings.  


5.       Property Services Inspectors check 10% of repair works and all works over £500 are checked, as is standard practice for most local authorities and housing associations.   Members received a report on the complaints procedure earlier in the year.   


6.       The City’s insurance covers any structural damage to its homes including, leasehold properties, as had been the case with the recent water damaged properties that Members had been made aware of. All tenants are strongly advised to take out contents insurance, and this is set out in the tenancy handbook.   The Head of Housing Management agreed to check with City Surveyors in respect of the requirements and provisions for commercial tenants. 


7.       Whilst emergency callouts are more expensive, performance is best measured and more relevant in terms of a job being completed properly.  Most of our repairs are completed on the first visit however, there are occasions when this cannot be achieved. Examples include particularly large or complex repairs or, repairs that require non-standard replacement parts. The team is considering whether to introduce a ‘Right First Time’ KPI, as is the case with some local authorities and housing associations.  


RESOLVED, that – the report be noted.



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